Angela’s Symposium + Foolish Fish – 2-way Interview (Dr Angela Puca’s answers)
Denis Possoin of Foolish Fish interviews Dr Puca
Denis Possoin of Foolish Fish interviews Dr Puca
Dr Angela Puca AP: Hello everyone, I’m Dr Angela Puca and welcome to my Symposium. As you know I’m a […]
In this episode, we will discuss Cultural Appropriation from an academic perspective.
Scientology, a controversial new religious movement founded by L. Ron Hubbard. Many might not know that Hubbard defined Aleister Crowley as “My very good friend” in 1953 and was also well acquainted with Jack Parsons, an American disciple of our “beloved” Beast.
Hello everyone. I’m Dr Angela Puca, and welcome to the Live Stream Symposium. I’m a PhD and a Religious Studies […]
I would say that based on my fieldwork and the interviews and what I heard from my informants I think that there is a point in people’s life where they have an experience that breaks that dominant theoretical framework that tells you that things are separated and isolated because the idea of being this isolated creature that is here to eat, pay taxes and decay and then die is not appealing to most people.
Right, well it is indeed about the search for a Gnosis, about the search for knowledge. It poses all kinds of questions about what knowledge is.