The Power of Chaos Magick: Transforming Reality Quiz (with Images)
This quiz is based on a video uploaded on September 18, 2023. If you have not watched the video, here is a link. The quiz is aimed at helping you judge your comprehension of what was said. All questions are based on the content of the video. There are more questions than shown each time the quiz is taken. So you can take it as many times as you like.
What type of influence did Aleister Crowley have on Chaos Magick?

Aleister Crowley with hands against his cheeks PD

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Who were the creators of Chaos Magick??

Chaos Magic

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What does the Chaos Magick term 'Zos' refer to?

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Who is mentioned as a noted academic that has published work on Chaos Magick?

Corridor in University College Cork, Ireland

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Which book by Austin Osman Spare is particularly influential in Chaos Magick?

Midjourney Halloween Samhain Book Flowers burning candles

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What does the term 'antinomianism' refer to in the context of Chaos Magick?

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In Chaos Magick, what is the primary focus of the left-hand path?

An open book safe Midjourney

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What is the Chaos Magick perspective on creating deities or entities?

Three goddesses mother maiden crone

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Who is considered among the 'founding fathers' of Chaos Magick?

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What is the Chaos Magick perspective on the gods and goddesses used in rituals?

Chaos Magick Presentation WitchFest 2023 Image 1 God and Goddess
God and Goddess

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The Power of Chaos Magick: Transforming Reality Quiz (with Images)
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