12th Nov 2023
Robert Cochrane's Traditional Witchcraft Quiz (with Images)
This quiz is based on a video uploaded on September 18, 2023. If you have not watched the video, here is a link. The quiz is aimed at helping you judge your comprehension of what was said. All questions are based on the content of the video. There are more questions than shown each time the quiz is taken. So you can take it as many times as you like.
How did Cochrane's theology suggest belief in multiple deities?
three goddesses with lamps Midjourney
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What is a key difference between Pagan Witchcraft and Luciferian Witchcraft?
A man walking on a balance scales
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Which group did Cochrane's associates, Stannard and White, found?
Midjourney Halloween Samhain Book Flowers burning candles
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What does "The Rebirth of Witchcraft" by Valiente suggest about Cochrane's Clan?
Three goddesses mother maiden crone
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Which of the following figures did Cochrane notably criticize?
Two witches with hands over candles screenshot
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Why is Robert Cochrane regarded as the "Father of Traditional Witchcraft"?
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What pseudonym did Roy Bowers use?
Spiritual woman gazing at stars Mj
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What is a common term for the religion that Cochrane's Craft is associated with?*
Wiccan God and Goddess Midjourney
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Where did Robert Cochrane's writings appear?
book hall of enlightenment library
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What does Evan John Jones clarify in "Witchcraft: A Tradition Renewed"?
Elderly Italian witch segnatrici Midjourney
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Robert Cochrane's Traditional Witchcraft Quiz (with Images)
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